Grass Roots Farmers' Co-op

Brand Redesign Strategy Messaging Interactive Design Collateral E-commerce
  • Grass Roots need­ed help com­mu­ni­cat­ing the val­ue of regen­er­a­tive farm­ing with­out being preachy to help con­sumers make informed deci­sions about pur­chas­ing meat. What start­ed as a small email project led to Jen becom­ing the in-house cre­ative direc­tor, guid­ing the com­pa­ny through an entire rebrand and new com­mu­ni­ca­tion strategy.

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    The new brand book con­nects the pow­er of eth­i­cal farm­ing to the din­ner table while out­lin­ing the path to express­ing the sto­ry in any medium.

Brand  book for Grass Roots Farmers Co-op, regeneratively farmed meat sourced in the United States
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    We looked out for the customer’s best inter­est because, well, we were also the cus­tomer and knew what would be per­ceived as gen­uine con­ver­sa­tion (and what would frankly be bs). Our tone was frank, at times humor­ous, and always hon­est and sincere.

    project image Digital ads for Grass Roots Farmers Co-op
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Grass Roots Farmers' Co-op Holiday Catalog
  • project image Recipes from Grass Roots Farmers' Co-op website

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